
2nd Subbotnik on the 101project

"Subbotniks are mostly organized for cleaning the streets of garbage, fixing public amenities, collecting recyclable material, and other community services." Wikipedia, 25 March 2013.

101subbotniks are organized for cleaning the 101repo, 101worker, and 101wiki of issues and discussing and pushing ongoing projects. We could also use the term hackathon. Indeed, the typical Russian and East-german subbotnik would not have access to loads of pizza, which is what this format imports from the hackathon tradition.

If you want to participate, please get in touch.


  • Date and time: 1 June (11:11am—???)
  • Room: B 016 (main location) and B009 (breakout capacity)
  • Organizers: Ralf Lämmel and Andrei Varanovich of the Software Languages Team.
  • Contact: ed.znelbok-inu|gnaltfos#ed.znelbok-inu|gnaltfos (Email) and @101companies (Twitter)
  • Registration fee: NONE
  • Food: arrive after breakfast; count on a late FREE lunch (pizza); possibly more :-)

If you have trouble getting into the building, then call Ralf Lämmel: 0160 97 35 22 33

Program / schedule

This time this will be much more like a hackathon. No presentations this time. That is, we have got several urgent and complex open issues in the 101project and applications thereof, which we would like to talk through and resolve as much as we can. Here are some notes on what's on the radar:

High-prio topics

(In no particular order.)

  • Revision of the semantic endpoint providing access to triples in the Sesame store in a more standardized manner. Two formats are to be addressed: JSON and RDF.
  • Schema-based validation of 101explorer responses. We should review the available or emerging schemas (JSON and RDF). Generation of these schemes from each other or from another format should be considered.
  • Programming some Linked Data scenarios on top of the matured 101explorer component. We have some initial efforts and ideas on code-sharing detection, metrics-based comparison, and others.
  • The 101analyzer service for the 101submission page and the 101submission page itself. We should firmly agree on what needs to happen for the submission page to launch and when we can pull it off.

Lower-prio topics

Let's get into it, if the corresponding folks are there and someone is eager to do so.

  • Guided tours on 101wiki. (Some short status report would definitely be great anyway.)
  • Metamodeling the wiki. (I think the students will not be there.)
  • Anything you want to talk about with me or Andrei.