ESE course resources
ESE courses elsewhere
- Software Engineering Experiment. K. Stapel, University of Hannover. 2009.
- Empirische Methoden für Informatiker. J. Siegmund, University of Magdeburg. 2012.
- Empirical Methods for Computer Scientists. C. Kästner and S. Hanenberg, University of Marburg. 2012.
- Empirical Reasearch Methods in Software Engineering. S. Easterbrook, University of Toronto. 2012.
- Empirical Methods in Software Engineering Research. W. Hasselbring, University of Kiel. 2011.
- Foundations in Empirical Software Engineering. D.M. Fernandez et al., TU München. 2012.
- Empirical Software Engineering. G. Saake et al., University if Magdeburg. 2011.
- Empirical Studies in Software Engineering. D. Perry, University of Texas. 2013.
- Research Methodology for Software. S. Sim, University of California at Irvine. 2004.
- Empirical Model Buillding and Methods. D. Rombach, TU Kaiserslautern. 2013.
- Empirical Software Engineering. A. Zeller, Saarland University. 2006.
- What Makes Good Research in Software Engineering. Mary Shaw, CMU. 2005.
- Empirical software engineering. Letizia Jaccheri, NTNU Trondheim. 2006.
ESE papers by the Softlang Team
Disclaimer: Given the profile of the Softlang Team, the following papers do not even nearly cover ESE adequately. While the course aims at general coverage of ESE as far as lecture material is concerned, the labs and assignments may be biased towards Softlang interests.
- Techniques for Developing a Product Line of Product Line Tools: A Comparative Study
- Large-scale, AST-based API-usage analysis of open-source Java projects
- Understanding privacy policies (A study in empirical analysis of language usage)
- A Literature Survey on Empirical Evidence in Software Engineering
- Multi-dimensional exploration of API usage
- Empirical language analysis in software linguistics
- A Framework Profile of .NET
- Corpus engineering (Draft, not available online)
Textbooks and other reading material
- Experimental Design and Analysis in Software Engineering by S.L. Pfleeger. 1995.
- Complete Idiot's Guide to Statistics by Robert A. Donnelly. 2008.
- Understanding science
- Selecting Empirical Methods for Software Engineering Research by Steve Easterbrook, Janice Singer, Margaret-Anne Storey, and Daniela Damian. Technical Report. 2007.
- Foundations of Empirical Software Engineering: The Legacy of Victor R. Basili by Boehm, Rombach, and Zelkowitz. Springer. 2005.
- Readings in Empirical Evaluation for Budding Software Engineering Researchers by Philip Johnson, University of Hawai. 2005
- A Handbook of Software Systems and Engineering: Observations, Laws and Theories, Endres, Rombach, 2003
- Experimentation in Software Engineering by Claes Wohlin et al. Springer. 2012.
- Guidelines for conducting and reporting case study research in software engineering by Per Runeson and Martin Höst. 2009.
- Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, amd Mixed Methods Approaches by John Creswell. SAGE Publications. 2008.
- Guide to Advanced Empirical Software Engineering by Forrest Shull, Janice Singer, and Dag Sjoberg. Springer. 2008.
- Case Study Research: Design and Methods, 3rd Edition (Applied Social Research Methods, Vol. 5) by Robert Yin. SAGE Publications. 2002.
- Guidelines for performing Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering by Barbara Kitchenham and Stuart Charters. Technical Report. 2007.
- Performing systematic literature review in software engineering by Zlatko Stapić et al. Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems. 2012.
- Protocol for Extending an existing Tertiary study of Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering by Barbara Kitchenham, Pearl Brereton, and David Budgen. Technical Report. 2008.
- Systematic literature reviews in software engineering – A systematic literature review by Barbara Kitchenhama, O. Pearl Brereton, David Budgen, Mark Turner, John Bailey, and Stephen Linkman
- Systematic literature reviews in software engineering - A tertiary study by Barbara Kitchenham, Rialette Pretorius, David Budgen, Peral Brereton, Mark Turner, Mahmood Niazi, and Stephen Linkman. Journal of Information and Software Technology. 2010.
- Basics of Software Engineering Experemintation by Natalia Juristo and Ana Moreno. Springer. 2001.
- Failure is a Four-Letter Word - A Parody in Empirical Research by Andreas Zeller, Thomas Zimmermann, and Christian Bird. Proceedings of PROMISE 2011.
- Systematic mapping studies in software engineering by Kai Petersen et al. Proceedings of EASE 2008.
- by M. Jørgensen. The Journal of System and Software. 2004.
- In Search of What We Experimentally Know about Unit Testing by Natalia Juristo et al. IEEE Software. 2006
page revision: 4, last edited: 13 May 2014 10:09