The Mining Software Repositories (MSR) field analyzes the rich data available in software repositories to uncover interesting and actionable information about software systems and projects. (Source: The course provides students with basic understanding of MSR. In particular, students get insight into typical and current scenarios of MSR and corresponding methods and techniques. The students learn how to perform research in the MSR field. This entails competencies in the phases data extraction, data synthesis, and data analysis with a combined research and engineering approach.
- Tuesdays: 12:15pm.
- Thursdays: 4:00pm.
- Introduction (.pdf)
- Sample reading assignment solution (.pdf)
- API-based developer profiling (.pdf)
- Mining Configuration Constraints (.pdf); (.html)
- Clone and Similarity Management (.pdf); (.html)
- Discussion of data extraction assignment (.html)
- Feature model mining for web testing tools (.pdf)
- Topic models (.pdf); (svn)
- Statistics with R (.pdf)
- Naive Bayes (.pdf)
- Metamodel for the course paper (.pdf)
- Formal concept analysis
See the course description (.pdf) for the list of topics.
The section is under construction.
There is neither an oral nor a written examination.
Instead, students work on assignments over the semester and present their results regularly in the class.
A similar scheme has been successfully applied in the SLE and ESE courses over the last few years.