Ptt1819 Assignment2

Metaprogramming for Validation


You've learned how mapping technologies work. Your next task is to validate for restricted subsets that generated artifacts correctly correspond to their input artifacts. As a simplification, data models always correspond to trees (the 101company data model defines a tree structure). There are always one-to-one traces. E.g., one part of a POJO has one corresponding part in an XSD schema file.

  • Choose one of the tasks below.
    • Search for a Demo example (e.g., 101 contributions)
No Contribution Group
1 ANTLR - Grammar rule to code Nils und André
2 XSD to Java-POJO Stab
3 Java Object to XML Philipp und Bartosz
4 Java Object to JSON Tim und Anita
(5) Java to SQL-DDL


For two input files return true, if the correspondence is correct. Otherwise, return false. Use the following technologies for metaprogramming. The absolute minimum requirement for passing assignment 2 is given.

  1. ANTLR grammar to code
    1. Parse grammars like Company.g4, using an existing ANTLR-Parser.
    2. Process the generated Java code in the <Name>BaseListener using Java Parser
    3. At least, show that for every Parser-rule (not Lexer-rule) name, a dedicated stub-method was generated in the BaseListener.
  2. XSD to Java-POJO.
    1. Parse XSD using DOM
    2. Parse Java code using Java Parser
    3. At least, show that every Java class has its corresponding XSD counterpart.
  3. Java-Object to XML
    1. Process Java-Objects using Java's reflection API.
    2. Process XML using DOM.
    3. At least, show that for every object in the input object-tree there exists a counterpart in the XML file.
  4. Java-Object to JSON
    1. Process Java-Objects using Java's reflection API.
    2. Process JSON using GSON.
    3. At least, show that for every object in the input object-tree there exists a counterpart in the JSON-file.
  5. Java to SQL-DDL:
    1. Beware!! For projects using Hibernate or JPA, you will first need to find out how to retrieve the generated Create-Statement. Then, you can proceed.
    2. Process Java code using Java Parser.
    3. Process SQL code using ANTLR
    4. At least show: One create statement exists for every class and every object-to-object association.


  • Create a new git-repository. Send the link to ed.znelbok-inu|znieh#ed.znelbok-inu|znieh via E-Mail.
    • In a Readme file: Explain the specific problem that you solve with an example. Explain how you solve it.
    • Use Maven or Gradle for building your project.
    • Have at least two distinct test cases. One with the 101companies model and one additional data model that you may define yourself.