Startup14 Assignment2

Second assignment for the startup14 course


All emails sent to moc.liamg|lemmealr#moc.liamg|lemmealr should have the string "startup14" in the subject line. Otherwise, they may be missed.

  • Reconsider your team size and composition based on your insight and discussion in class.
  • If you want to do this assignment with 4 people, please consider modeling two related technologies and comparing them.
  • The mapping of teams to technologies will be largely completed during the class. Otherwise, contact the lecturer.
  • Model the assigned technology using the approach from the lecture.
    • Identity the involved entities.
    • Assign entity types to the entities.
    • You may also suggest new entity (sub-) types.
    • Conceptual entities should be complemented by a Wikipedia link or alike.
    • Identify the involved relationships.
    • If you feel like you need to define new relationship types, explain them.
  • Commit your model (as a text, word, open office etc. document) to a repo.
  • If you use a new repo, share your repo with "rlaemmel" (both on bitbucket and github).
  • If you use the repo from 1st assignment, please send email to moc.liamg|lemmealr#moc.liamg|lemmealr, when done.

Technology options

You are welcome to pick yet some other technologies.

Vague metrics proposals

  • Use 7+ entities
  • Use 5+ entity types
  • Use 10+ relationships
  • Use 4+ relationship types