

Title: Lively Webwerkstatt - A Self-sustaining Web-based Authoring Environment

Speaker: Jens Lincke (HPI)

Host: Ralf Lämmel, Inst. for Software Technology and CS

Date/Time: 6 Mar 2012 (Tuesday), 11am (ct)

Room: B013


Prototyping Web-applications can be very tedious. To share an idea one can publish the source code and provide a link to an example, but usually it is not possible to directly experiment or just play with the new ideas without having to install it on one's own machine.

Lively Webwerkstatt is a Web-based authoring environment that explicitly supports such collaborative development of ideas in a Wiki-like environment. With this approach active content can be created, shared and evolved directly on a Web-page.

We evolve Lively Webwerkstatt in a self-sustaining way by developing all parts in itself. Since self-sustaining development can be challenging, we use techniques such as Context-oriented Programming (COP) to make such a Web-based development approach feasible.
Using ContextJS, our COP language extension to JavaScript, we are able to scope behavioral adaptations of the core system as needed. This prevents accidentally breaking our tools when we work for example on core classes.


Jens Lincke is a Phd. Student at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute (HPI) Potsdam, where he works in the area of
end-user development (Lively Kernel ) and context-oriented programming (ContextJS).