Title: Runtime-based approach to a parallel programming model design
Speaker: Andrei Varanovich (ObjectMeet, LLC., Minsk, Belarus)
Host: Ralf Lämmel, Inst. for Software Technology and CS
Date/Time: 1 Feb 2011 (Tuesday), 6.00pm (st)
Room: B 013
Parallelism has always been a challenging topic. Nowadays we observe a reborn of interest to parallel programming models to utilize modern hardware architectures. In this talk we introduce the concept of dynamic runtime as a key block for design of the framework and programming model for massively-parallel heterogeneous computing systems. From the perspective of using a runtime the following paradigms are covered: API design, runtime optimizations, targeting multiple hardware architectures. The concepts are explained using CLR/C# based examples.
Andrei Varanovich received the M.S. degree in computer science from Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. Was awarded
as a Microsoft Most Valuable professional for C# programming language (2008-2011). His research interest include programming languages, aspect-oriented programming, metaprogramming, runtime systems, concurrency and parallelism.